See also

Family of William TITTERTON and Ann PARKER

Husband: William TITTERTON ( -1895)
Wife: Ann PARKER ( - )

Husband: William TITTERTON

Name: William TITTERTON
Sex: Male
Father: Isaiah TITTERTON (1806-1864)
Mother: Hannah COOPER ( -1887)
Death 1895

Wife: Ann PARKER

Name: Ann PARKER
Sex: Female
Father: -
Mother: -

Note on Husband: William TITTERTON


Notes from Nicolette Flint, genesR: Taken to England in 1858 to go to school. Went to the Grammar School, Bridgnorth, Shropshire with brother Charles Samuel. Accompanied to England by Mary Maria and Fanny Jane.Joined the Navy as a Midshipman -went to India and there contracted severe cholera. He was in the samehospital as Prince Edward (Edward VII). Left his health week.Eventually returned (with Charles) to SA. Worked in a bank. See WCT Book page 7