See also

Frank Kirkham DALE (1873- )

Name: Frank Kirkham DALE1
Sex: Male
Father: George DALE (1850-1924)
Mother: Susannah BUNTING (1848-1879)

Individual Events and Attributes

Birth 5 Aug 1873 Ballidon, Derby
Christening 19 Oct 1873 (age 0) Bradbourne, Derbyshire
Death Living in USA Jan.1948 (age 75)

Individual Note

'Kirkham' after Grandmother Elizabeth Spencer Kirkham.

1873 Sep.Qtr: Born Ashborne District.

Baptism: 19.10.1873: son of George & Susannah Dale.

1875: The family at at The Haywood when brother William died.

1881: Born Ballidon: 7-yr-old farmer's son living with father George, step-mother Alice, sister Mary Elizabeth,(step)-grandad T.L.Wood, a dressmaker from Gaws>

worth & 3 servants at Haywood Farm, Mappleton, Derby.

1891: his parents & sibling are at Manor Farm.

Ref: Auntie Kath: he went to Grammar School in Bakewell. Father so vexed when he fathered a child that Frank K. was sent to USA - family there. We now know of >

Samuel Roe's family - Frank's Great Uncle Sam.

1891: Born Parwich, Derby: Frank Dale: 17-yr-old grocer's assistant boarding with Mary Gopsill at 42 & 43 St. Peters, Mapleton, D>


1901: Not found in England.

1929 Postcard: 192 Linden St., Rochester, N.York - thinking of you today - Annie far from well. Write to her if you can.

1930 Census: Global Search: Frank K. Dale: Born abt.1880, living Rochester, Monroe, N.Y.

1930 Census: Frank K.Dale, Born Indiana !, 50-yr-old? white head of house, employed as a manager of a drug store & living with wife Annia in Rochester, N.Y.


1930 Postcard: 'Business is anything but good in this country (USA) now - lot of men & women out of work in cities but cannot get help in country -farms.

1944 Postcard: this farm picture taken near dear dear Annie's old home, Pennsylvania. Been to brother-in-law's funeral.

1944 Postcard: refers to Annie's place of birth.

1944 Dec.Postcard: Wish we could be together at Christmas, long to see each one of you. Wish you would write or have some of your family do so soon.

1945 Postcard: DOB: 5 Aug. (Postcard 1945) (72?)

1947 Postcard: 'will write more fully when I hear from you - again am anxious about each one of you more than you will ever know. May you all be cared for by the Prince of Peace Our Redeemer.

1948: Last postcard I have from Philadelphia P.A.

LV: Half brother to Annie Kennerley nee Dale and probably kicked out by family. Went to USA and wrote occasionally to Annie Kennerley nee Dale.

2006 Jan: Auntie Barbara Brocklehurst sent me 15 postcards from Frank to his sister Annie Kennerley. More came later in 2006. She said he 'had got a girl into trouble & kicked out by parents!


1"File (merged): C:\Documents and Settings\glynn\Desktop\Dales AJM.ged". Record originated in...