See also

Family of Tom VENABLES and Mary Elizabeth DALE

Husband: Tom VENABLES (1878-1955)
Wife: Mary Elizabeth DALE (1876-1937)
Marriage 1 Mar 1903 Siddington, All Saints

Husband: Tom VENABLES

Sex: Male
Father: -
Mother: -
Birth 1878 Lower Withington
Death 1955 (age 76-77) Siddington, Cheshire

Wife: Mary Elizabeth DALE

Name: Mary Elizabeth DALE1
Sex: Female
Father: George DALE (1850-1924)
Mother: Susannah BUNTING (1848-1879)
Birth 19 Mar 1876 Mappleton, Derby
Christening 1 Oct 1876 (age 0) Mappleton, Derby
Death 1937 (age 60-61) Siddington, Cheshire

Note on Husband: Tom VENABLES

1878: Tom Venables: ALD/10/70

1881: Born Lower Withington: 3-yr-old son of widowed-farmer, living at Dingle Bank, Lower Withington.

1891: Born Lower Withington, Ches: 13-yr-old scholar, living with 4 siblings, cousin John & 3 servants at Main Road, Lower Withington.

1901: 23-yr-old agricultural labour living with sister & husband Arthur & Sarah & Len South, & 3 servants at Hills Green Farm, Siddington.

Marriage: Auntie Kath Venables: came from Meadow Bank, Siddington & married Tom Venables of Hills Green, Siddington.

Death Not Found.

Auntie Barbara: He had another 2 sons George & Harold between Kathleen & Leslie.

Note on Wife: Mary Elizabeth DALE

Came from Meadow Bank, Siddington & married Tom Venables of Hills Green, Siddington.

1875: The family at at The Haywood when brother William died.

19.03.1876: Birth: I.G.I.

01.10.1876: Baptised: Daur. of George & Susannah Dale,

1881: Born Mappleton: 5-yr-old farmer's daughter living with father, step-mother, brother, grandad, dressmaker & 3 servants at Haywood Farm, Mappleton, Derby.

1891: Born Mapleton: 14-yr-old living with father, step-mother Alice, 3 siblings & 3 servants at Manor Farm, Mapleton, Derbys.

1901: Born Mapleton: 23-yr-old living with parents, 3 siblings, visitor & servant at Meadow Bank, Siddington.

Photo Album: To Miss Mary Elizabeth Dale, on the occasion of her marriage Wednesday March 1, 1903. With every best wish, A. Myan

Marriage: Auntie Kath Venables: came from Meadow Bank, Siddington & married Tom Venables of Hills Green, Siddington.

1937: died age 59-yrs: GAW/10/17

Sister to Frank Kirkham Dale who went to went to USA and wrote to her occasionally.

She was half sister to Annie Kennerley nee Dale, Thomas W. Dale & George Dakyne Dale.

Known as Auntie Lizzie to Lilian Kennerley.

Married Tom Venables (Uncle Arthur's father).

Auntie Barbara: She had another 2 sons George & Harold between Kathleen & Leslie.

Buried at Mapleton, Lilian went there with George & Alys Kennerley.


1"File (merged): C:\Documents and Settings\glynn\Desktop\Dales AJM.ged". Record originated in...