See also

John TOULMIN (1796-1825)

Name: John TOULMIN
Sex: Male
Father: Thomas TOULMIN (c. 1757- )
Mother: -

Individual Events and Attributes

Birth 2 May 1796 Lancaster, Lancashire
Baptism 26 Apr 1801 (age 4) Saint Mary, Lancaster, Lancashire
Death 1825 (age 28-29)

Individual Note

Plumber & glazier, 56 Park Lane, Liverpool (Lancs History etc, Baines, 1824): same address as Thomas Toulmin, attorney (***31114123). His Will (made 1 June 1824, proved 2 Feb 1826) divides his property in five & makes specific bequests: "I give and bequeath my large Bible to my sister Ellen I give and bequeath to my Sister Betsey my half dozen Silver Tea Spoons I give and bequeath to my Mother my Silver Watch makers name 'Winstanley' I also give and bequeath to my Mother for her use my History of England and at her decease I give and bequeath the same to my Brother Thomas I also give and bequeath to my Brother Thomas my small red Bible All the remainder of my printed Books I give and bequeath to my Father". Exors. John Metcalf, cordwainer (doubtless Ellen's future husband) & John Roberts, plumber, glazier & painter. (Lancs. RO WCW 1826 John Toulmin)