See also

Family of Benjamin Kinsman DEELEY and Doris Madge Elizabeth KAY

Husband: Benjamin Kinsman DEELEY (1881-1930)
Wife: Doris Madge Elizabeth KAY (1899-1969)
Marriage 8 Mar 1920 Holy Sepculchre Auckland New Zealand
Divorce 1 Dec 1930

Husband: Benjamin Kinsman DEELEY

Name: Benjamin Kinsman DEELEY1
Sex: Male
Father: -
Mother: -
Birth 16 Feb 1881 Timaru New Zealand
Occupation Furrier/Jockey
Education "4 Feb 1889-19 Jul 1892" Timaru Main; Timaru New Zealand
Will 22 Aug 1930 (age 49) Auckland, New Zealand
Death 4 Dec 1930 (age 49) Auckland, New Zealand
Burial 5 Dec 1930 Purewa Cemetery and Crematorium Auckland New Zealand (Location A-30-91)

Wife: Doris Madge Elizabeth KAY

Name: Doris Madge Elizabeth KAY1
Sex: Female
Father: James Frederick KAY (1862-1900)
Mother: Emma Jane KING (1870-1963)
Birth 26 Nov 1899 High Street Kew Victoria Australia
Christening 25 Mar 1900 (age 0) Holy Trinity Church Kew Victoria Australia
Will 30 Jan 1969 (age 69) Timaru New Zealand
Death 26 Apr 1969 (age 69) Timaru New Zealand
Burial Apr 1969 Purewa Cemetery and Crematorium Auckland New Zealand (Location A-30-91)

Note on Husband: Benjamin Kinsman DEELEY (1) - shared note

Benjamin lived at 26 Tawera Road Greenlane New Zealand, and was 49 years old when he died in 1930.

Benjamin made his will 22nd August 1930. He wanted his two daughters, Betty Kinsman DEELEY and Jewel Kay DEELEY to equally share in his Estate. The total value which was £6,929 17s 5d.

Note on Husband: Benjamin Kinsman DEELEY (2)

Doris was his 2nd wife. His 1st wife was Christina Blanche HOWARD whom he married in 1904 and possibly 3 (Dau?) chn. He was a jockey and possibly a furrier. I have been into Papers Past and he seems to have got into a bit of trouble with the racing authorities from time to time. His brother was arrested for murder but died before it came to trial. I have just picked up the information and newspaper write-ups about this last week. Benjamin and Doris were divorced. Benjamin had possibly 5 sisters and 2 brothers. Although this family is not my main interest, I have been doing a bit on this family lately. My main interest is the GEE family who came from Madehurst in West Sussex and London and arrived in NZ in 1851 and settled in Christchurch and Lyttelton.

Regards Pamela Edmonds email (communication - Jan 2009 through genesR).

Note on Wife: Doris Madge Elizabeth KAY - shared note

Doris filed for divorce from Benjamin DEELEY on 19th February 1930. She stated that since 1921 Benjamin had been an habitual drunkard and had been habitually guilty of cruelty towards her, by using abusive, offensive and threatening language to her and by assaulting her.

She was also applying for permanent alimony for herself and her children. She was worried that because of his addiction to drink, it had led to the wasting of his estate and assets, and would deprive her and the children of maintenance. She wanted a lump sum of money put aside for her to avoid this.

The divorce was granted on 1st December 1930.

Doris made her will on 30th January 1969. She named her daughter Jewel Kay FOUNTAINE as the sole Executrix, and left her most of her belongings. The rest of her Estate was to be divided amongst her children.


1"File (merged): C:\Documents and Settings\glynn\My Documents\Family History\ROE family.ged". Record originated in...