See also

Family of Baldwin I of JERUSALEM and Godehaut de TOENI

Husband: Baldwin I of JERUSALEM ( -1118)
Wife: Godehaut de TOENI (c. 1081- )

Husband: Baldwin I of JERUSALEM

Name: Baldwin I of JERUSALEM
Sex: Male
Father: Eustace II of BOULOGNE (c. 1015-c. 1085)
Mother: Ida de BASSE-LORRAINE ( - )
Death 2 Apr 1118 Al Arish, Egypt

Wife: Godehaut de TOENI

Name: Godehaut de TOENI
Sex: Female
Father: Raoul III of TOENI (c. 1040-c. 1101)
Mother: Isabel MONTFORT ( - )
Birth c. 1081
Occupation Queen of Jerusalem