See also

Family of Rollo 'Rolf' 'Robert' RAGNVALDSSON and Poppa de BAYEUX

Husband: Rollo 'Rolf' 'Robert' RAGNVALDSSON (870-932)
Wife: Poppa de BAYEUX (c. 872- )
Children: William'Longsword' NORMANDIE (c. 900-942)
Robert de NORMANDIE ( - )
Gerlotte de NORMANDIE ( - )

Husband: Rollo 'Rolf' 'Robert' RAGNVALDSSON

Name: Rollo 'Rolf' 'Robert' RAGNVALDSSON
Sex: Male
Father: Rognvald 'the Might' EYSTEINSSON (c. 830-890)
Mother: -
Birth 14 Oct 0870 Maer, Nord-Trondelag, Norway
Occupation 1st Duke of Normandy
Death 17 Dec 0932 (age 62) Rouen, Seine-Maritime, Haute-Normandie, France

Wife: Poppa de BAYEUX

Name: Poppa de BAYEUX
Sex: Female
Father: Pepin III Berengar de SENLIS (c. 845-893)
Mother: Gerberge (Cunegonde) de RENNES (c. 845- )
Birth c. 0872

Child 1: William'Longsword' NORMANDIE

Name: William'Longsword' NORMANDIE
Sex: Male
Spouse 1: Luitgard de VERMANDOIS (c. 915-978)
Birth c. 0900
Occupation 2nd Duke of Normandy
Death 0942 (age 41-42)

Child 2: Robert de NORMANDIE

Name: Robert de NORMANDIE
Sex: Male
Occupation Earl of Corbuell

Child 3: Gerlotte de NORMANDIE

Name: Gerlotte de NORMANDIE
Sex: Female
Spouse: William III 'Towhead'of AQUITAINE (915-963)

Note on Husband: Rollo 'Rolf' 'Robert' RAGNVALDSSON

After participating in many Viking incursions along the Seine, culminating in the siege of Paris in 886, Rollo was finally defeated by King Charles the Simple. With the Treaty of St.-Claire-sur-Epte, Rollo accepted to become a vassal to Charles III of France, converted to Christianity and was baptized with the name Robert. Charles then granted Rollo territories around Rouen, which came to be called Normandy after the Northmen (Latinised Normanni).

In 912, he met King Charles near St Clair Castle and received the province.

Note on Wife: Poppa de BAYEUX

Daughter of the Count of Bayeux.